National Grandparents Day is Coming Up!

Mark your calendars! This Sunday, September 7th, is National Grand Parents Day: 

Photo credit: S P Photography / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

A holiday dedicated to honoring all grandparents, but Founder Marian McQuade also wanted this holiday to be an opportunity for grandparents to show love for their grandchildren and “help children become aware of the strength, information and guidance older people can offer. ” 

In 1978, National Grandparents Day became a national holiday recognized and celebrated ever since President Jimmy Carter signed a federal proclamation, making the first Sunday after Labor Day, National Grandparents Day! 

Considering nearly 1 in 10 children int he U.S. live with their grandparents, this holiday is truly a special one! 

Please spread the word and love for all grandparents out there in the world! #grandparentsday

Please go check out the Founder’s Website [ or click the underlined link] to learn more about National Grandparents Day and how it all began! 

Here are just a summary of the facts you can find on her website: 

One thought on “National Grandparents Day is Coming Up!

  1. Pingback: Grandparents’ Day Official Song | Grand Daughters Rising

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